Patrol Department
The Patrol Department of the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office is usually the first contact the public has with our office. Patrol is the backbone of operations at the Sheriff’s Office. This division, the largest in our agency, is responsible for maintaining peace and order throughout the county’s 42000+ residents in 1,920 square miles, 365 days a year. Deputies in the Patrol Department investigate reports of crimes, enforce traffic laws, serve arrest warrants, pick up prisoners in other jurisdictions, provide traffic control for fire and emergency medical services, and serve paper process for the courts.

The Patrol Department of the Sheriff’s Office serves as the foundation on which most of the other Sheriff’s Office divisions are built. The realization that criminal activity is directly detected and deterred by an aggressive traffic enforcement posture is proven again and again. It is the Patrol Division that is most visible, is usually the first to respond to calls for assistance and generates most of the reports submitted to other divisions for follow up.