Corrections & Detention Center
The Bonner County Sheriff’s Detention Center, which opened in 1998, has a holding capacity of 124 prisoners. The facility consists of two pods containing four lock-down cells; four dorm style cells; three high security cells; one medical observation cell; two female dorms; a work release dorm, and four holding cells. The average population per day of the facility is approximately 85 inmates.
The detention center is responsible for the care and custody of incarcerated persons. This includes, but is not limited to, delivery of meals, ensuring appropriate housing assignments, distribution of medication, prisoner transport, delivery of incoming and outgoing mail, and random prisoner and housing area searches.
Detention deputies are assigned various details such as distributing Inmate Commissary, overseeing the Sheriff’s Labor Program, Inmate Labor Program and Work Release Program. Additionally, the Detention Center sustains a Chaplain’s Corps, NA/AA Programs, and a GED Program.
The Custody Division of the Detention Center consists of a Jail Training Program, Transportation Section and a Classification Unit.
Fingerprinting Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 AM to 11:30 AM & 7 PM to 9 PM Saturdays from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Click here to download the most recent jail inmate roster.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (IPREA)
Click here to download the PREA Audit Form.

Information contained herein should not be relied upon for any type of legal action.
As of 12:05 a.m. Pacific Time, today, the following people have valid arrest warrants for traffic or criminal offenses. Persons having warrants are subject to arrest upon contact by law enforcement officers.
Warrants are listed below under Misdemeanor Warrants or Felony Warrants in alphabetical order.
Note: This list does not include juvenile offenders.
CAUTION: Misuse of warrant information may subject you to civil or criminal liability.
If you find yourself on these lists, or know the whereabouts of someone on these lists, we encourage you to contact the Bonner County Dispatch at (208) 265-5525 or go to the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office at 4001 N. Boyer Road, Sandpoint, Idaho, in order to take care of your outstanding warrant.
Remember, only peace officers can arrest a person for a warrant.
Felony Warrants Misdemeanor Warrants
The facility’s inmate communication services are provided by CTEL. Inmates cannot receive incoming telephone calls.
In order to schedule a visit with an inmate, or to fund an inmate’s account, you must set up an account.
This can be completed on the kiosk in the jail lobby, or by going to or by calling 1-877-998-5678
There are also two helpline phone numbers available to assist you:
Friends and Family Helpline: 1-702-829-3001
Video Visiting Helpline: 1-866-340-7879
Inmates have access to a third-party commissary provider where they can purchase a number of nonessential comfort items including food items, coffee, snacks, clothing, and hygiene items. Money can be added to this account for said items by going to: or by calling 1-855-836-3364
Q: What clothing is permitted in the jail facility?
A: Inmates are provided with the proper outer garments to wear. Personal undergarments may be worn if they are white. Females may wear bras, however under-wire and metal stays are not allowed. Inmates are permitted to have three T-shirts (must be purchased through Commissary), three pairs of socks (must be purchased through Commissary), and three sets of underwear. Again, all undergarments must be white. Inmates will be provided with underwear if indigent.
Q: How can I pay a bond for an inmate or pay on a citation I received in Bonner County, Idaho?
A: The Bonner County Sheriff’s Office is now working with CitePay USA which will allow individuals to pay a citation or post a bond from the convenience of their home. Please click below to access this site.
Q: Can inmates receive telephone calls?
A: No. Inmates can call out but no one can call into the cells. There is a phone in each cell for inmate use. Personal phone calls are recorded and subject to review. Attorney calls are not recorded. The phones within the cells are turned on at 6:00 a.m. and turned off at 11:00 p.m.
Q: What time is allowed for visitation?
A: Visits may be limited to thirty minutes. Each inmate, except those restricted as a result of disciplinary action, shall have the opportunity for at least one (1) hour of visiting per week. All visits are done via Telmate video.
Q: What are “authorized” visitors?
A: Visitors must be eighteen years of age or older unless accompanied by a legal guardian or parent.
Q: What is the address at the jail for the receipt of mail?
A: Please use this format:
(Inmate’s Full Name)
Bonner County Detention Facility
4001 N. Boyer Road
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864
Q: How can my family put money on my account?
A: Family or friends can put money on an inmate’s account through U.S. Mail.
– Please do not send cash through the mail.
– Send money order made out to the inmate.
– Personal checks are NOT accepted.
Q: What can I send or bring to the inmate while he/she is in jail?
A: Any medical items or medications will be accepted. Items and medication will need to be approved by the facility doctor. Please do not send food items or other personal items. They will be returned to sender.